Why am I doing an Executive Product Management Programme?

Jorge Galindo
3 min readOct 1, 2020

The other day, I talked on a Twitter thread about a personal habit I have; To set to myself yearly goals.

I do not consider myself a person ambitious regarding material stuff, but I think I am ambitious when we are talking about the time I spend with my loved ones (and the quality of this time), and about the purposes, I put myself in front of my professional career.

These yearly personal intentions encourage me to go out of my comfort zone. It’s a mixed thing I find between our company and my fears. During these past years, for example, I achieve (in a way or another) a few personal and professional purposes (Lambda World (I — V), LX Scala, Lambda World Seattle, or living during a while in Summer with my family in Seattle).

But this year, I had in my particular TODO list, the co-organization of Scala Days Seattle, but, you know… Sh*t Happens or better said, COVID-19 Happens, and forced ourselves to postpone our community efforts.

Although we still have incredible goals to accomplish, like our 47 Degrees Academy, and all of them are in the Product Design field. Also, conferences (like Lambda.World or Scala Days) are like products but with different branches (community, digital, physical)

So, thinking about how to improve and accomplish better those challenges, I consider that a course like this, it is going to give me two crucial tools:

Foundations to make better decisions.

I have been self-taught from the beginning of 47 (doing software, biz-dev, UX, Product, and Marketing). It is one of the beautiful things it has our tech industry, there is a bunch of content on the Internet, but I am somewhat tired.

It would be a great addition to have foundations based on theory, conversations, strategy, and summary up; Knowledge for doing better products.

Time to analyze those decisions.

The rhythm in a tech company is hectic. I am not going to lie. Part of the course I am committing it to have more time for myself. This time is not for relaxing; its for thinking. To analyze what are the reactions of our actions. A day weekly (Friday afternoon), I am going to invest time to stop and think. It is a freaking luxury, I know, but, also this year, it’s a forced pause, so let’s take advantage of that.

So, ok. Where am I going to do this course?

I have been following from a while ago the excellent stuff that creates the Tramontana Institute. I think it’s the space I need to grow my career in that sense and spark the Product conversations level I am looking forward to. Sergio Alvarez Leiva and Jorge Gomez are the teachers. With a heterogeneous group of attendees, we will be such a collection of interesting points of view and experiences.

Well, It’s going to be an exciting finish for this year and the beginning of the next one. (It’s from October to April). Can’t wait to start! 🎉



Jorge Galindo

Global VP of Creativity and Design at Xebia / Former co-founder of 47 Degrees (acq by @Xebia in 2022)